A large mobile composition of hanging artefacts that moves around the space turning the Museum’s galleries into choreographed, walkable installations.

Artist: Laura Lima Direction: Ivar Rocha Curator: Elvira Dyangani Ose Set + Creative Team Assistants: Pablo Apellániz, Cristina Borda, Chaimae Bouhsaien, Alex Ferro, Ana Isabel García, Júlia Cendrero, Martina Otero, Mariona Pujol, Laia Rausi, Alejandro Roble, Irene Sebastián, Natalia Vidal, Melany Abatino, Néstor Ceniceros, Sergi Corominas, Enric Marzá, Lía Pérez, Gerard Voltà Sound and Lighting Technician: Jordi Mero, Jordi Salvadó Photo: Miquel Coll, Ivar Rocha Production: MACBA